Street Outreach & Advocacy
The Street Outreach & Advocacy program is designed to assist homeless individuals and families; as well as those at-risk of homelessness; in Cayuga County with accessing the resources and services available to them. The coordinator can assist with housing/program applications and referrals as well as inform and direct individuals/families to services available.
What We Do
Our coordinator assists clients with applications including; but not limited to; applications for:
Food and Clothing Assistance -
Our coordinator can refer clients to Cayuga County Community Mental Health Center, Cayuga Counseling, and other community partners for mental health services.
Our coordinator provides clients with information regarding COVID-19 and can aide in registering for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Clients interested in a Vaccine can also click this link for current vaccine clinics through the Cayuga County Health Department: https://www.cayugacounty.us/1610/COVID-19-Immunization-Clinics
At the beginning of each month, our coordinator spends a day at SS Peter & John’s Episcopal Church to distribute supplies to clients during the SS Peter Luncheon. Supplies include necessities such as:
Toilet Paper
ToiletriesOur coordinator also distributes supplies as they come across clients throughout the month.
Clients in need of rental assistance can be assisted with applications.
*The Eviction Moratorium was lifted January 15th, 2022. If you are a tenant facing eviction after experiencing a financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic and are looking for legal advice and/or help, please look into the Volunteer Lawyers Project of CNY, Inc. -
Our coordinator is able to assist clients seeking employment with:
Creating an email account to apply for employment online
Resume Building
Filling out and submitting applications -
Our coordinator refers clients to services resources that meet their specific needs; including but not limited to:
Emergency Rental Assistance
Behavioral and Mental Health
Food and Clothing Security -
Our coordinator will work with area landlords and tenants to mediate and aid in the resolution of issues regarding evictions due to lack of access to resources.
Our coordinator can assist clients who obtain Section 8 vouchers. Our coordinator will assist clients in reaching out to area landlords to find housing that will accept the voucher.
For more information about all of our programming, please contact us at (315) 252-4212.