Home Health Connection
Home Health Connection is a collaboration program between East Hill Medical Center and Cayuga Community Health Network. This partnership aims to connect participants’ healthcare visits to their health at home.
Participants in the program will receive communication from Cayuga Community Health Network’s Program Coordinator to set up a home visit and to make referrals to East Hill’s medical services if needed.
During the home visit, we can:
Assess for fall risks and safety concerns in the home
Screen for home health concerns
Provide education on issues found
Refer participants without a primary doctor to East Hill Medical Services
Primary Care
Behavioral Health
Reconnect current and past patients of East Hill with their services if there has been a delay in their visits
Fill out the Survey and schedule a home health visit to receive a FREE gift at your home health visit!
Home Health Supports Your Whole Health
Health is complex. It impacts your lifestyle just as much as your lifestyle impacts your health. The choices we make daily such as the foods we eat, exercise, and even how we set up our homes can have both positive and negative impacts on our health. Home Health Connection can assist participants with identifying ways to balance the impacts of health on their life with the choices and habits they make that in turn impact their health to live a more healthful lifestyle.