Doula Testimonials
Becoming a doula had been a dream of mine since I gave birth to my first daughter 35 years ago. Recently, I had the honor of helping my first client give birth to her daughter. It was an incredible experience for me to be able to support this woman in the development of a birth plan, and through the birth process. We worked together to enable her labor and birth to be as comfortable as possible both physically and emotionally even though some unexpected issues required Mom to be confined to bed during labor. Mom and baby did great and both are happy and healthy. It was a beautiful experience for all.
I feel so privileged to be a doula! Birth is a true miracle and each one is beautiful in its own way. This is an account of a wonderful birth experience for me as a doula. During our first prenatal visit I enjoyed getting to know my client and her husband and was able to bring activities to help them in considering options and preferences from which they could put together a birth plan. Part of my job as doula is to advocate for these preferences and assist in gaining any information along the way should the plan need to change. As the pregnancy moved along we went through the various comfort measures that might be used during birth taking into consideration the specific needs of my client. Supporting my doula couple during the birth of their first child was an experience I will always treasure. The sanctity of this space settled in for me right from the very first minutes at the hospital. Although the birth had some unexpected turns, the couple was always informed of their choices and the decisions made were theirs. I helped to clarify some things along the way and provided constant support. The medical staff we worked with were also excellent at attending to the birthing couple. I was asked to take pictures after the birth and a few of those are attached. This beautiful family bonded immediately with their daughter and she successfully latched on mom's breast within half an hour of birth. At this point this grateful doula left for home with an incredibly full heart. I visited the family one week after birth and brought with me a birth story I had written from my perspective. I feel this is an important contribution a doula can offer. When I was a new mom I did not have the opportunity to process my feelings around any of my birthing experiences. I feel this is very valuable. Whether the birth goes as you hoped or not it is important to talk about the details of the experience. On my last postpartum check we talked about how newborn care, breastfeeding and mom's emotional health were going. This couple made my whole doula experience an extremely positive one. I feel very blessed to be part of this beautiful birth story.
A few months ago, I met a second time expectant mom. She was adamant that she was going to deliver med free and labor at home for as long as possible. This was surprising to me in the age of medicalization and scheduled induction. I was excited to see if she would stand by her ideal birth. The decision to endure labor is not often thought of until after one becomes pregnant.
Last week I received a late night text from mom, “My water is breaking,” she said. I asked what her plan was. “I will labor at home until I can’t” she replied. A few hours later mom called and said that she was ready to go to the hospital. We arrived at 2:22 am. Mom’s contractions were coming steadily at two minutes apart.
After getting settled in the room, the doctor checked and told mom that she could begin pushing whenever she felt ready. At 3, mom began gently pushing with each contraction. After about forty minutes mom had moved baby down enough to crown but labor was stalling. I felt into where mom was struggling. She gripped my hip as she pushed again. I felt the need to remind mom that we need to use our core muscles when pushing baby out, not just the lower sphincter muscles. I ran my fingers along the sides of her belly under the navel, “Push from here,” I whispered. Ten minutes later an unmedicated mom sat forward, reached down, and received her healthy baby girl.
The connection that is formed between Mom and Doula can be extremely helpful in the birthing process. In this time when only one family member is allowed a Doula can be a voice of reason and intuition in this unfamiliar sterile environment. I was proud of mom for standing by her decision to labor naturally. I was also proud of myself for reaching within and using my voice. It was a beautiful morning.