* Free Yoga and Support Session, Thursday - 11/21, 11:30-12:30 at the Zen Den Yoga Studio
* Free Yoga and Support Session, Thursday - 11/21, 11:30-12:30 at the Zen Den Yoga Studio
National Diabetes Prevention Program
The National Diabetes Prevention Program, or NDPP, is a program that helps guide
people to make small changes to their lifestyle that will make a big difference in
their quality of life. The program aims to prevent people from developing type 2
diabetes by working with individuals who are pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes means
people have impaired glucose tolerance, but not yet to a level at which they
develop diabetes. Without any changes to what they eat and their physical
activity level, 15% to 30% of people who are pre-diabetic will develop type 2
diabetes within five years.
Our program allows participants to explore strategies for adding more physical
activity into daily life and eating healthy. Through a set curriculum, lifestyle
coaches help participants identify situations and challenges that can sabotage
their success, and find solutions.
*This program is funded through the US DHHS ACL, NYSOFA, and Cayuga Co. OFA. Contributions to this program will be gratefully accepted and used to expand this service.
*Evidence based program that assists participants in learning ways to live a healthier lifestyle and creating strategies to overcome challenges.
*Group sessions are led by a certified life coach.
*Sessions are weekly for 16 weeks followed by monthly check-ins for up to 8 months (12 months total for program).
*Studies have shown the majority of participants lose weight, reduce blood sugar levels, and typically lower the risk of developing diabetes.
*Cayuga Community Health Network offers support and incentives to keep you motivated during the program.
*Individuals 18 years of age and older
-must meet at least 1 of the criteria listed below-
*Have a body mass index (BMI) of ≥25 kg/m2 (≥23 kg/m2, if Asian American).
*Clinically diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during a previous pregnancy.
*Have a positive screening for prediabetes based on the Prediabetes Risk Test online at: https://www.cdc.gov/prediabetes/takethetest/
*Have a blood test result within 1-year prior to enrollment meeting one of these specifications:
Fasting glucose of 100 to 125mg/dl or 110 to 125mg/dl
Plasma glucose of 140 to 199 mg/dl measured 2 hours after a 75 gm glucose load
A1C of 5.7 to 6.4
-If you meet at least one of the criteria above, you must also:
*Have no prior diagnosis of Type 1 or 2 diabetes.
*Not be pregnant at time of enrollment.
*A health care professional may refer potential participants to the program, but a referral is not required for participation in a CDC-recognized program.
*Please check the list under the “Who is Eligible” tab above to make sure that you qualify for participation in NDPP.
If you are still unsure of your eligibility, please reach out to our program coordinator via email at: programs@cayugahealthnetwork.org
*Register Today and a Certified Life Coach will reach out with more information.
Why is a Diabetes Diagnosis Important to Prevent?
Diabetes is a long-term disease that means that the body does not make or use insulin well. It is a progressive disease that may get worse over time.
People with diabetes are twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who doesn’t have diabetes. Diabetes can also cause eye programs, nerve damage, kidney problems, and gum and tooth issues.
As a community, diabetes and its complications cost millions of dollars to address. This contributes to insurance rates rising.
For individuals, this disease may impact their quality of life and may have long-term effects. There are many complications that come with the chronic disease. Diabetes causes more deaths per year than breast cancer and AIDS together.
*The CDC has launched their “Imagine You Preventing Type 2” campaign. Learn more about the NDPP program and how it can help you here: Imagine You Preventing Type 2 | DiabetesTV | CDC
For more information about all of our programming, please contact us at (315) 252-4212.