The Who Behind the View

Welcome to An Insider’s View; a blog series following my journey with some of our programs! The next 8 weeks will be focused on our Eat Healthy Be Active program. This program focuses on making small, manageable lifestyle changes that have large impacts on overall health.

Today I am so excited to introduce myself to you all before jumping into program posts. My name is Katie Green, and I am the Development Coordinator here at Cayuga Community Health Network (CCHN). I joined our team in November of 2021 and have loved my time with CCHN. On a personal note, I am a mom of 2 young kids with lots of energy. It’s hard to commit to making healthier lifestyle changes when I am constantly running from school to work to school again to activities and appointments. Some days are so busy my meals may consist of whatever the kids didn’t eat! However, as my kids get older, I am realizing that this impacts my overall ability to keep up with them. I don’t have the energy I want or need, and I know this is directly impacted by the food I put into my body.

When Merlin Marrain-Jackson, one of our wonderful program coordinators at CCHN, announced the next session start, I was ready to jump on the bandwagon. However, I also began to wonder the specifics of the program. What was the commitment? What was I going to learn? What could I expect from the program in terms of experience? Then I realized that many in our community may be wondering the same things. Thus, the idea for this blog was born. It will be a place for me to record my experiences each week with what we are learning and how the program overall impacts my life. Now, everyone is different, so I am not promising that my experience will be yours. My hope though is that this blog will give you enough insider’s perspective to really see how easy it is to integrate it into your current lifestyle and work through the small changes to get yourself healthier and more active.

Each Friday I will publish a new blog post detailing how the previous week went through the program. I will give a little information about what we are learning and how I chose to implement it into my life. I will also talk about changes I am seeing in my day-to-day life while implementing the changes I am learning through the program.

If interested in learning more about the program, follow the link below to our Eat Healthy Be Active page:

Eat Healthy Be Active — CCHN (


Success in Strategy


Breastfeeding Support